#24 Why do we seek permission?
From Ali Abdaal’s Why Do We Seek Permission? : "When you start teaching yourself stuff and realize how easy it is to teach yourself anything, you get over this idea that you need to be qualified to do something" , Ali gave the example of his friend who always thought of coding as a black box but after starting to learn, he realized that it made more sense than he initially thought and it became easier the more he made the effort to consciously learn. Ali referred to Austin Kleon who said: "As long as there’s gonna be at least one person in the world who cares about what you have to say, there’s almost a moral imperative to put your stuff out there because you’re helping people, you’re helping the world, you’re adding value to the world however that might be." The curse of the expert. Often the person you want to be teaching you stuff is not the person who is the expert because they cannot empathize, they cannot understand where you’re coming from. You want so