
004 Get To

I get to fall sick and recover before Chinese New Year  I get to give out red packets this year I get to wake up and go to a job I love I get to experience a healthy body that works for me so well I only experienced the second most painful stomachache yesterday I get to choose to write I get to celebrate life everyday I get to go to the gym I get to be creative at my work I get to choose what I want to do everyday How lucky am I

003 Tech-fail

003 Tech-fail Yesterday I met an ex-colleague turned friend. We lost touch as he left for another school. I texted him last Chinese New Year and the text did not get through. I thought he changed his number.  Then I had to pass him some information through Whatsapp. It did not go through again. He did not change his number or block me. Weird. I could not call him too. Finally, he added my number again before my WhatsApp text could go through.  It got me thinking. How many more of my friends have I missed through this issue? 

002 Introductions

002 Introductions For introductions: we need a communication framework: NSFAM Name + Business name Same: What is it that I'm same as you that you already understand. When you first meet someone new, people will be able to recall who you are better if you put yourself into a simple category they already understand. Example: teacher, software engineer, life coach etc Fame: What makes you interesting/ fascinating? What big brands have you worked with? What interesting projects have you landed? Think big numbers/ awards/ big awards etc Aim: What are you working on in the next 90 days?  Game: What is the bigger vision you want to achieve in the next 3-6 years?  From The Diary of a CEO by Steven Bartlett : The Money Making Expert (NEW): The 7, 11, 4 Hack that turns $1 into $10k per month with Daniel Priestley  

001 Walk more

Starting a new writing segment titled the Daily Read. Of stuff I've curated from the web or books, or podcasts I've listened to. Think of it like getting a peek into Brienne's (second) brain, a place where I house all the stuff I've learnt throughout the day or week. Welcome to my second brain.  001 Walk more For the readers: An afternoon stroll can improve mood and ease symptoms of anxiety and depression. Walking, especially at brief pace is thought to trigger the release of pain-relieving endorphins and curb the release of stress hormones, cortisol.  While it may seem simple, walking requires the coordination and effort of many muscles in your legs, torso and back.  To keep up with the increase in energy demand, the vessels around these muscles are remodelled to deliver more oxygen. At the same time, your heart becomes more efficient at pumping blood.  In a few months, these changes can lower your blood pressure, reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke....

Day in the life of housewife Bree

I went for a jog this morning even though I only had 6 hours of sleep because self care is important. I came home and had breakfast with my husband. Our usual- 2 soft boiled eggs.  Prepped lunch, cooked, ate, cleaned up, marinated my chicken for dinner. Showered and took a half hour nap.  Woke up, listened to a podcast before I cooked dinner.  Ate, washed up, cleaned up, husband helped too.  Doom scrolled after because I am tired.  8.56pm. A thought. Should I join Calligraphy Growth Circles Zoom tonight or just watch the replay? Let's show up. It's all about showing up for Bree. Had so much fun during the live learning about how to draw the florals on the capitals.  Smiled, learnt, laughed, tried again.  Learning is so much fun.  This couple of days left in the year, I hope you find the joy of learning, of failing, of trying again even if it's frustrating. Yes, definitely frustrating to not get it.  But keep going. How about learning somethin...

Hire great people

In another episode of the Diary of a CEO, Steven Bartlett talks to Jaspreet Singh about hiring exceptional people.  Jaspreet shared about hiring a cheap accountant and it ended up costing him a lot of money. When he hired an expensive one, he helped him save money instead. When Steven asked his brother what his net worth is, he shared something similar to what Steve Jobs mentioned in an interview before. Hire a few exceptional players (which will not be cheap). A-players enjoy working together so they'll end up hiring A-players and that will propagate and it becomes self-cohesive. 


I'm part of a group where we meet every Monday evening at 9pm. I haven't joined them for a long time because I always found something else to do at that time.  Then I joined them again 3 weeks ago because they were discussing a new book. It looked interesting and I needed accountability partners. Over the next two weeks, I had family over, my husband fell ill and I didn't achieve my goals.  I didn't want to join the group again for fear of judgement and feeling like a failure for not achieving my goals. But I did today. Because of something Karen sent a few weeks ago.  Thank you Karen. I showed up. no judgement. Just highlights, discussing positives and new goals for the week. I'm more motivated to achieve my goals this week. Find yourself a community like this. It's lovely. Have a beautiful week you.