Thoughts on writing

What if there is one thing that makes you stand out from other people? 

Will you take the courage and use this unique ability or will you cower in fear and be afraid that this trait is uniquely yours?

I love writing. But I don't know what's important. 

But I want to help just one reader learn something new each day.

And there's definitely something new to learn everyday. 

What did I learn today that I did not yesterday?

It's easy to type away on a post you're not going to publish today. This process that I created takes the hard part out of writing and stressing about whether it'll be a good piece. 

Right now, I cannot remember what I wrote yesterday. But I sure hope I did ok and I want to make sure I wrote a good piece. 


Brienne, 12 March 2022, 9.04 p.m.


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